8 8 PwE Returns!
It seems with the return of PwE is also new champions. Chris Jericho was able to walk out of Adrenalin the new World Heavyweight Champion and ending the reign of Triple H, but is this the last of HHH Jericho has heard of? Or is this just the very beginning?

8 8 FOX Re-Signs Adrenalin!
The host of Adrenalin in the past has re-signed their contract! PwE's weekly show of Adrenalin will make it return back home to FOX and has even bought back its time slot ... question, where the hell did Tolga find the money to buy out that taken time slot, ahhh who knows.

8 8 Night of Champions!
With the return of PwE, so is the return of the titles, which have ALL been vacated. But at Adrenalin ALL titles shall be re-claimed in a night called Night of Champions. What will happen? Ahh who knows

8 8 PwE Updates (June 24, 2003)

Adrenalin Card
New Event Date: Deadline Friday



8 Rper of the Week
1. Chris Jericho
2. Triple H
3. Brock Lesnar
4. The Rock
5. Edge

8 Wallpaper

PwE Wallpaper #1


8 Next Event



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